Risk Factors...
Below are our articles on the subject of Risk Factors. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

All About Abuse and Aggression.
Unfortunately abuse and aggression are still frequently seen in our society but there is a lot of support for victims of these behaviours....

All About Women and Anger
Anger seems to manifest and be expressed differently between men and women and experts have spent a long time understanding why this is so....

Anger and Employment
Conflict resolution is part of an employers or managers role and dealing with angry employees effectively is vital in how you are viewed as a manager....

Depression and Anger
Anger is a human emotion that evokes a physical and mental response from people that is often far from passive whilst depression can cause the person to decrease in…...

Domestic Violence Explained
Domestic violent is a form of abuse in which a victim is assaulted, intimidated or threatened by someone they share the home with....

Hormones and Anger Levels
Most people assume that the role of hormones in the incidence of anger is limited to just women, but is it possible that men may be at risk of this also?...

How Does Fear Effect Anger?
Fear and anger are often derived from similar chemical processes in the body and may influence how we manage in stressful situations....

How Does Sleep Affect Anger?
If we are tired we may become more easily irritated and if we are angry we will often feel tired after we have calmed down. Both are common and show a direct link…...

How Drugs Affect your Anger
Anger and drugs have a very interesting relationship as some drugs are given to help control anger, others may cause anger as a side-effect and anger may be born out…...

How Worry and Stress Affect Anger
Reducing our stress levels and our worry-load will almost definitely help most of us be more able to cope with things that anger us allowing us to retain more control…...

The Relationship Between Alcohol and Anger
There is no doubt that alcohol affects how we control our anger and behaviour, but there is also a link between the incidence of anger and likelihood of using alcohol…...