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Anger Management Classes for Kids

By: Jo Johnson - Updated: 22 Dec 2020 | comments*Discuss
Anger Management Classes For Kids

Children can become angered easily and often and most of the time this is normal and part of growing up. However, in a few instances this anger can grow to large proportions and can be detrimental to development, family life, school years and social awareness. In these cases, it may be appropriate top think about anger management classes during which the child learns why they are getting angry, what triggers their anger and how to manage it more effectively.

What do the Classes Do?

Anger management classes for children are very useful if they are needed. They aim to teach the child new ways of dealing with anger, but also how to reduce the incidence of becoming angry in the first place. They use approved and researched techniques for delivering this information and educating children in communication techniques and how to relieve their frustrations in a better way.The classes also often focus on self-esteem and help build a child’s confidence so they feel more able to cope with stressful or demanding situations without becoming angry. In some cases when there are family implications, it may be possible for the parents to work with the child and the course leaders with the aim of improving family relationships and communication skills and promoting a more positive and social family environment.

The School Curriculum

As our world and the teenagers in it seem to be becoming more violent and less tolerant of each other, parents have been asking the government for help in teaching their children anger management skills and their have been discussions as to whether it would be appropriate to introduce anger management classes as part of the national curriculum.

What Can Parents/Carers do to Reduce Their Child’s Anger?

Parents and carers are very important in teaching children how to control and manage their anger. First of all they can lead by example and demonstrate on a regular basis that angry outbursts that threaten or intimidate others are not acceptable and that they should be reserved when alone and in a safe place if they occur at all.The parents can also make sure they reinforce the skills and information gained from the anger management classes and allow for continuity in other areas of their life.

Parents can help children by being careful what is included in the child’s diet. Foods high in refined sugars can help increase sensitivity and heighten emotions. The sharp fall in blood sugars after eating these sugars can also lead to a sudden change in mood and should be discouraged.

Parents can also help young children deal with their anger by having set rules and guidelines within the home. This form of discipline must be specified so that everyone knows the boundaries which must be adhered to with no deviations or exception. This allows the child to know what discipline to expect and how far they are allowed to go before they are taken into check for their behaviour.

Anger management classes for kids can be very useful in preventing built up anger from being carried into adult life which has the potential of causing major problems to health and mental state in later years.

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My grandson is 12yrs old he needs anger management classes he not listen to me or his mum he smashes the house up wreaked is new bed cut our clothes up and attacks me he has ADHD how do we get him on one in Leicester we have to do something fast we don't want anything to do with him the way he's going
Jan - 22-Dec-20 @ 3:40 PM
Looking for anger management for my 9 year old boy sonin the Elk River MN area.
Paxton - 28-Nov-20 @ 4:57 PM
Hi looking for classes for my 8 year old in anger management. Thank you !
Annette34 - 14-Jul-20 @ 12:30 AM
Is there live classes and cost availability near Jacksonville for a 5 year old. Please contact me
T - 7-Jul-20 @ 10:18 PM
I need to find more out about any classes near me and how much it would cost for a ten year old. Regards
Hils - 7-Jul-20 @ 4:08 PM
hi I'm looking for anger management for myself and 4 children we have been witness to domestic abuse emotional abuse/manipulation and currently going through the family court system
jonsey - 29-May-19 @ 1:50 PM
I have a 5 year old boy who seems to always be angry with his siblings and gets angry very easily. is this a sign if anger problems. He always turns to hitting his sister's and brother. my other kids are not like this. We treat him and discipline them all the same.
jen - 18-May-19 @ 7:43 PM
Can some one people get in touch with me it's about my 14 year old son. Is anger is so bad at the minute I don't no what to do and I'm needing some help.
Del - 10-May-19 @ 6:35 PM
Hi I have an adopted daughter with major attachment disorder and secondary trauma. Her behaviour is escalating at a rapid rate. I am a single parent and am only 4ft 9inches. She hits me, shouts and throws things at me. I am at my wits end. I have the LST in and the post adoption team but i have now been waiting nearly 12 months for a psychological assessment. I am so tired of it all and don't know how much more i can cope with. No matter what i day or do it is never right. She loses her temper so quick its like she has a 1mm fuse. I am happy to pay privately as long as you can do something about it. I am tired of waiting for services to get their finger out. Can you help??
Rash - 30-Apr-19 @ 6:39 PM
Hello Can you please confirm class times and cost? Thanks
Leighann - 24-Jan-19 @ 6:27 PM
Hello Can you please confirm class times and cost? Many thanks
Leighann - 24-Jan-19 @ 6:26 PM
I have a 7 year old boy who has anger issues, they come in short bursts, but he has no control over his anger, in his anger he has broken 2 tv’s ripped a cupboard door off his hinges and accidently broken a window. I dont know what to do, i dont know how to help him control his anger
Brookestar22 - 24-Nov-18 @ 6:50 AM
Hi I have 9 yo son who had bad anger issues and use to “lash out” on the odd occasion”, it is not becoming more frequent and is becoming more violent towards his peers at school and I really don’t know what to do!? He has been excluded due to his behaviour and we have tried talking to him but he just closes up, he has yoga classes at school to try and help but these are only once a week, don’t know whether to take him to doctors or not!? Really need help as I don’t want him to be permanently excluded or worse. Tia
Emma - 26-Sep-18 @ 9:22 PM
@Ams - have you seen your doctor? There might be a reason. The main thing you are doing is owning up to the fact and want to seek help (which is so much better than someone who is in denial). By taking ownership of your issues it means you can help yoruself to work out what is causing the problems. Go see your doctor and request counselling and try somehow to get back into education of some sort. Best of luck - you actually sound as if there is a good/nice bloke in there trying to get out.
NessaB - 26-Jul-18 @ 2:52 PM
Hi, I’m 14 years old. I’ve got really bad anger issues. I’ve recently gotten kicked out of school well it was 4 months ago because of my anger issues, that resulted in stress and depression which caused my anger issues to get worser. My anger causes me to hit people and hit objects, and it really effects my friendships and my relationships in the family.
Ams - 24-Jul-18 @ 10:53 PM
@Bunks - at least you/his parents are getting medical help. The anger issues may be attributed to something else, such as a health problem. As long as your GP knows he has anger issues then hopefully your GP can look into the possible reasons why. He could have an 'irritable depression' which can manifest itself in children and young adults when they are unable to articulate their feelings. Irritability and anger are also common symptoms of other psychiatric disorders in children, such as ADD, or autistic spectrum disorders. Keep on at the doctors and it may be more than general counselling that is needed. Best of luck.
MacT - 13-Jul-18 @ 10:06 AM
HELP! I have 7grandsons aged 4-11. Oldest has autism and his 9 year old brother has very bad anger issues. Cannot accept defeat and has a very big weight problem but will not stop eating. When told no to food he really gets angry. Got very high liver blood count at the moment which he is seeking medical help with. Can be so loving but turns very angry at a drop of a hat. We need advice. Thankyou
Bunks - 12-Jul-18 @ 9:51 AM
My child is 10 year old in have alot of arger issue i need him to tske the class
Shante - 4-Jul-18 @ 6:59 PM
@Sam - have you taken her to see a doctor? You might want to do this if you can't reason with her. If you do suffer from anxiety she might pick up on this, but to be honest you want to nip it in the bud and your doctor might have a solution.
Erica - 1-Jun-18 @ 1:49 PM
Please please help me.... I am at breaking point at the moment. I have a very very angry little girl and i have no idea why. She has just turned 5 and for the past 18months i have been noticing a massive change in her behavour. She is very anrgy towards me and sometime im in tears and want to run away from her as i have noidea what do to. I suffer with anixtey and depression and it is making it 10times worse when she is like this. Its not everyday but when she starts it can be over the slightess things like her sister walking into their bedroom. Please help me.
Sam - 28-May-18 @ 9:22 PM
Hi I have a very angry 7 year old son he has been this way since he was 18 months old he gets angry over the smallest of things like being asked to tidy up or brush his teeth (he does brush them) it's getting to the point when am scared to have my 1 year old around him incase he hurts him when he is throwing toys or whatever he can get hold of at me I've reached the point where I go to bed every night crying because I can't handle him he is so different in school he's such a loving caring person at school but as soon as he gets in the door he starts to be naughty I've tried talking to him but doesn't listen I've been to the school about it and they got the early help team involved but at the moment there just concentrating on his bedtime as he's a nightmare to go to bed is there anything I can do to try and help him with his anger he tries his best to push my buttons to try and get a reaction out of me but I don't let him do that and it angers him more any advice would be good thank you
Chelle - 26-May-18 @ 4:33 PM
Stacy Kaiser - Your Question:
My 13 year old would like to take an anger management class

Our Response:
You would have to speak to your GP directly regarding this matter.
AngerManagementExpert - 23-Mar-18 @ 9:14 AM
My 13 year old would like to take an anger management class
Stacy - 22-Mar-18 @ 1:12 PM
Liz - Your Question:
I have a 9 year old son he has lost his dad Xmas year before and nan Xmas just gone he is very angry and frustrated and I don't no how-to help him

Our Response:
I am sorry to hear this. The site Child Bereavement may help you link here, to help support your son through these difficult times.
AngerManagementExpert - 12-Feb-18 @ 11:24 AM
I have a 9 year old son he has lost his dad Xmas year before and nan Xmas just gone he is very angry and frustrated and i don't no how-to help him
Liz - 11-Feb-18 @ 3:19 PM
Rooney - Your Question:
He's had child hood trauma. He's very angry. Hits his siblings. He can be good one day and a few days horrendous. He says stop hitting me and we've never put a hand on him. He's tried self harm been looking at how to kill yourself. There's something on his mind and needs to come out its so deep rooted he won't say. Trashed his bedroom in temper head buts the door. Muching school.can be very nasty. It's like jekle and Hyde

Our Response:
You don't say how old the child is and whether the school is aware of his behavioural issues. However, talking an patience will help here. If there is something on his mind that he will not speak of, then this will affect his personality. Likewise, taking him to his GP may also help, if he needs to referred for counselling.
AngerManagementExpert - 8-Feb-18 @ 1:53 PM
He's hadchild hood trauma. He's very angry . Hits his siblings . He can be good one day and a few days horrendous . He says stop hitting me and we've never put a hand on him. He's tried self harm been looking athow to kill yourself . There's something on his mind and needs to come out its so deep rooted he won't say . Trashed his bedroom in temper head buts the door . Muching school .can be very nasty . It's like jekle and Hyde
Rooney - 7-Feb-18 @ 9:06 PM
Hi. I have a 12years daughter who is very intelligent and creative and academically brave. But the only issue is that she only want things done her own way and the moment she doesn’t get things done way she becomes very angry and when she start she can go on for a very long time. She will eventually say sorry at the end but this has becomes not relevant because it happens all the time. This attitude has now started affecting her school life as she is always having fall out with her friends over a trivia issues. So can I do pleas I need help.
Sue - 28-Jan-18 @ 6:25 PM
I'm having personal issues with my 12 year old old daughter and she don't listen she don't follow directions she texted her sister when she get upset she fight others because of she can't get her own way I don't know what can I do already have therapy for her that's not helping I need to get some answers before I put her in a boot camp or some type of anger management class can you please help me
Sunshine - 11-Oct-17 @ 1:57 PM
I have a nine year old grandson who came to live with me three years ago after his mother was killed in a tragic accident he's very angry it causes problems at home and causes problems in school he goes to counseling he sees a psychiatrist nothing seems to work he doesn't like to be told no I can't get him to understand that we want him and we love him but this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated I need help
Nanny - 21-Sep-17 @ 2:35 PM
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